It takes just one person getting Copiosis. Once that happens, the ball begins rolling. Momentum sets in, more people come. Before you know it, the world is better.
That’s what our transition plan rests on. One by one, people getting it, then getting the ball rolling in their personal life.
Recently someone asked questions asked many times before. He can’t understand how an alternative exists where people get their needs met without income.
We don’t blame him. Seeing a viable alternative requires a new perspective. Otherwise any potential solution (should one come to mind) reflects more sameness. That’s why we move the way we do: in a way seemingly crazy!
You can’t solve the problem with the same thinking that created it
So we’re using different thinking. People think we’re crazy doing it. But watch what happens…
For example, we now know money can come in huge quantities without us doing anything to have it come. Sound preposterous, we know. But watch what happens…
While most people focus on the problem they think are society’s real problems, we’ve long figured out the core societal problems (see: We The People. In Denial. (WARNING: Long read)), their origins, then examined how we got here. Now we focus on creating lasting solutions. Our solutions ground themselves in clear knowing how reality gets created.
So we’re not offering a new and better way of running society. We’re creating a new society altogether from amidst the current one.
A society based on gift and intrinsic satisfaction
The society we’re creating, already exists. It’s dominant too. But another society masks it. We’re taking off the mask.
Consider, for most readers, what happened when you were a kid. Forget, for a moment, HOW your parents met your needs, and consider in isolation that your parents met your needs.
What did you trade for them meeting your needs? Our answer: nothing.
Your parents gave from desire to give to you because doing so expressed their love for you. They got love, joy or at least satisfaction seeing you become an adult. They got pride too, maybe.
In other words, they met your needs for intrinsic reasons.
That same incentive can be designed into society allowing everyone their needs (and wants). No income required, no earning a living. No price, cost, debt, money, trading or transactions, no earning a living.
So many believe in debt
Consider nearly everyone believes they need things they can’t pay for all at once. Houses and cars, mainly. Same with wants: boats, motorcycles, etc.
Nearly everyone agrees now mobile phones are essential. Yet, many can’t afford buying them all at once (at least in first world nations). So they go into debt to get them.
Even entrepreneurs, the economy’s innovators, believe they need things they can’t pay for all at once. That’s why they must borrow money (seeking investment is borrowing) from others so they can get what they think they need.
As you know, the moment (in capitalism) you borrow someone else’s money (with the exception *perhaps* of friends and family money), you’re in debt. You owe.
All this happens because people believe it must. But that doesn’t mean it need be this way.
Changing beliefs seems like the long way around. But it’s the only way permanent change happens. We’re about creating new societies that last. That’s why we’re not in a hurry.
Taxes is another debt obligation people believe in, though most don’t look at taxes as debt. Yet, you’re still obligated to “pay for” past, current and future investments government makes to maintain “the commons” and such.
Shouldn’t it be obvious then that capitalism requires debt? After all, Governments, corporations, small businesses, households….even banks and churches, all have debt.
In short: access to other people’s money comes with debt. And everyone believes they need other people’s money because that’s how we collectively have believed money into being: as someone else’s. A better alternative creates new beliefs where money doesn’t exist.
That’s what we’re creating: better
We’re operating at the level of belief. Doing that, we must start first with our own beliefs. That’s why it looks like Copiosis is taking a long time. It’s not really, because changes in our team’s beliefs are happening nearly every day now. So our implementation plan produces rapid results.
Generally from one-fifth to eighty percent of people don’t like the jobs they work, (Source: how many people don’t like their jobs) and yet believe they must work them.
As a society, we also believe that’s necessary, which is why individuals believe it. We unwittingly, through our thinking and beliefs, endorse wage slavery. Though most won’t agree with that label.
We know one of two things is clear about every job:
- There’s either someone that likes it and finds it worth their while enough to do it. In other words it’s their passion and they’d do it for that reason or other intrinsic reasons, or
- There’s someone creating a way to get what the job creates without people having to do the job.
(Boyan Slat) found his passion doing what no one else on the planet was willing to do. He did it so well, he now has an organization with hundreds of people in it and a $30M+ annual operating budget allowing him to do it around the world.
We can create better
A better alternative would free people so they could do their version of what Boylan does.
Another example: Engineers and farmers want to eliminate human labor from back-breaking hand-picking of crops. We’re making great strides creating robots that pick produce from farmlands (see: plants engineered for robot harvesting).
But what’s even more promising is scientists are engineering crops – in the example in the link a sweet pepper – so they can be more easily harvested by a machine. (Source: Crop design for improved robotic harvesting: A case study of sweet pepper harvesting)
So not-fun jobs don’t have to be done by people if no one finds the job fun, unless you believe they must be.
But many jobs are fun for someone (see: Drawing blood and other passions | Copiosis). The rest can be engineered out of civilization through automation or innovation.
While such automation evolves, a better alternative would enable people doing those not-fun jobs to get rich. Obviously, capitalism pays people working such jobs crappy wages. The better society incentivizes people wanting to do them, and makes people currently doing them rich.
We like creating the better society. It feels good doing so. We love doing it. And the more we love it, the better our results get.