The Best Future Results From No Fear

Photo by Bram. on Unsplash

A lot of people live in fear and insecurity. From there, they look at the world and see evidence confirming their fears and insecurities. When these people look at Copiosis, they might feel hopeful for a while.

But then their fears and insecurities rise up, killing nascent hope. With hope dead, the person sees a pessimist’s world. It’s full of problems, problem people and conspiracies.

From there, they lose faith in what they saw in Copiosis. They get impatient, or give up believing Copiosis can even happen.

Fear in the body

According to some research a lot happens to humans when they experience fear and insecurity.

Vision narrows. Heartbeats increase. Motor functions, the ability to manipulate things dexterously, decreases. So does their ability to accurately interpret the world around them.

We assert that those living daily in fear and insecurity cannot see Copiosis happening today. Instead they see evidence confirming their fears and insecurities. Such confirmation increases their fear and insecurities causing a vicious cycle. Ever increasing evidence generates ever increasing fear, paranoia and insecurity. Copiosis then looks impossible.

Eventually that cycle turns people into cynics, pessimists, victims and misanthropes. Try to encourage such people to see the world differently. They’ll claim you’re not being realistic. “You’re too idealistic” they’ll say. Or they’ll get angry and verbally attack you.


Fear breeds more of same

Of course, all that vitriol comes when fear and insecurity defends themselves. They won’t surrender without a fight. At Copiosis, we don’t fight. Instead, we offer evidence we see. It’s up to the person to let go of limitations and accept what we offer. Or not.

Many people choose the latter. That’s ok. We have a saying about this: You can lead sheep to wisdom but you cannot make them think. It’s really hard to get scared, insecure people thinking.

An excellent example of this happened in a series of comments and subsequent posts I made over a three month period.

Who I interacted with doesn’t matter. The interactions illustrate the point. A fearful, insecure person, or group of people, cannot create fundamental change. Since most people live in fear and insecurity, the world remains largely the same.

Let’s look at the series of interactions. How it resolved in the end offers insight into how fear and insecurity lead to gross misinterpretations, thereby leading to more fear and insecurity.

Intense emotions like fear and insecurity make it impossible to see reality the way it really is.

“Believing…like you”

The first exchange happened around a post made in the Copiosis Social Group. The poster shared a video. They argued that our Reputation Accounts create situations where people can’t get their basic necessities. Especially vulnerable, the author adds, are those manipulated into demanding that certain people don’t deserve to get Net Benefit Rewards (NBR).

The initial post arguing that our Reputation Accounts are problematic.

It’s arguable whether or not the poster expressed a fear in this post. That’s they way I interpreted it. I knew the author. I also knew this person knows a LOT about how Copiosis works. That’s why, in response to this post, I made the following comment. The author’s reaction is…to say the least, interesting.

The poster says they don’t have fear or doubt or disbelief. And yet, they express doubt that our Reputation Accounts will function the way we say they will. They also say people might lose their necessities at the hands of “sheep”. That sounds like a fear to me or at least disbelief.

An optimistic culture

Wes strongly encourage Copiosis team members to embrace optimism and believe that Copiosis is a done deal. Our culture doesn’t entertain doubt or uncertainty. Yes, as the “Chief Visionary Officer”, I created and perpetuate this culture. So I get one might say being part of the Copiosis culture means thinking and believing like me.

But that’s like saying Steve Jobs required everyone to think and believe like him just because he had a strong vision for Apple and expected everyone to embrace Apple’s culture and vision. Powerful visionaries express their visions powerfully. And they make no excuses or apologies for that.

A powerful vision and absolute acceptance of it represents the fundamental success factor of every powerful visionary. Still, that absolutism can irk those who stand in fear and insecurity.

There’s a saying. It goes something like: “For one who doesn’t know confidence, confidence in another can sound like arrogance.” I think those who sling the “Cult” word at me not only don’t know their own confidence, they stand neck deep in insecurity. And, as I described at the beginning of this post, that creates perceptual distortions.

Confiscating necessities?

As an aside, we’re taking a wait and see, then adjust, approach to our transition process. I believe our design will work as designed. If it doesn’t we’ll adjust. But some “what ifs” just make no sense once you really understand how the design works.

I thought this author knew enough about Copiosis to know what they posted included flawed assumptions. But again, when in fear and doubt, disbelief or insecurity, one can’t see straight.

I wrote a two-part blog series about our Reputation Accounts in response to this exchange. In them I described two real-world events and how not having something like totally transparent accounts of people’s reputations creates all kinds of crazy, illegal, often deadly real-world results.

The same author who posted in the social group engaged me after part one of this series. It was a wonderful exchange. In it, more got revealed about where the author came from. For example, the author wrote:

Your last paragraph [in part one] says it all, reputation accounts will be used to punish people for not complying with whatever all the sheep think you should think and how you should behave and if you don’t get in line your necessities will be taken away, so please explain how that is freedom or any different then China? Necessities should never be taken away or your system will fail.

Necessities as force mechanisms?

In the comment above, the writer asserts that necessities “will be taken away”. People will use them to restrict other people’s freedoms.

That assertion contains several basic misunderstandings about how necessities work. No one’s necessities get “taken away”. No one comes into someone’s home and says “give me all that medical care I gave you” or, “give me back that bag of groceries you got.” That’s not how necessities work.

An individual producer might say “from here forward, you must go elsewhere to get XYZ. We will no longer serve you here.” But so many producers of a given thing exist, it’s highly unlikely a person can’t get what they need from someone. So claiming “necessities get taken away” represents a misunderstanding of how necessities work.

Can necessities like medical care really be used to punish people in Copiosis? No. Not really. (Photo: Rawpixel)

Who are the sheep, exactly?

In the next exchange, I asked the author to describe these “sheep” they refer to. Thankfully they offered great detail. Then they get to the heart of their concern: That the “sheep” can manipulate the Copiosis Algorithm to suit their needs. Here’s what they wrote:

The sheep I am speaking of are the people who are easily influenced by mass media that accept the narratives they are being told without question or without investigating evidence on their own. Examples…Trump, Black Lives Matter, Vaccines, wearing masks, and the most resent [SIC] Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine.

The “sheep” I speak of feel so strongly they are “correct” that they wish the other side to be cut off from medical care, voting, jailed, and so forth. So if your reputation account shows that you participated in a protest that the current media does not support it is possible that the “sheep” will force changes to the algorithm to deny necessities to a group of people.

The premise of Copiosis is that you will receive necessities at no cost to you, but when you layer the reputation account on top of that then the necessities are not guaranteed so it is conceivable that certain groups of people could be starved, homeless, and without medical care or other services because they refuse to comply with the algorithm.

This is a very complex issue, I think it is more about the possibility of creating fear of not being able to provide for yourself and your family if you do not comply with what the general population considers the correct way to think. I think the “sheep” would have changed the algorithm to require a vaccine to receive ANY goods or services, because they were told it was the ONLY way to “get back to normal” (whatever normal is).

While I appreciate the writer’s candor, their response reveals flawed understanding about how Copiosis, Reputation Accounts and the algorithm work.

How the algorithm actually works

The thing most needing clarification is how the algorithm works. The algorithm has NOTHING TO DO with necessities. That includes how they’re distributed or who gets them. The algorithm only determines how much NBR people get for results they produce. That’s all. A person needs zero NBR to consume necessities. Necessities come to all at no cost to them.

A necessity producer can refuse to give their necessities to anyone. If someone forced a producer to give necessities to everyone, then that producer would not enjoy freedom. Again, plenty of producers exist for any given necessity. It’s highly unlikely starving, becoming homeless or losing medical care would result from every producer refusing someone service.

Second, the algorithm uses very specific real world data. Not people’s opinion (except in certain cases described below). For any given action taken, that data required includes the following:

  1. The number of producers taking similar actions?
  2. How many people want what these producers produce?
  3. What resources are producers consuming to make what they make?
  4. How renewable are those resources used?
  5. How do producer actions benefit consumers objectively and subjectively? (the subjective measure here is an opinion)
  6. In what way do these producers’ actions impact the environment?
  7. What scale of humanity benefits from the act?
  8. How resilient does the act make humanity as a whole?

As you can see, none of these questions involve mandating anything. The algorithm only measures results defined by these eight questions. Then it rewards NBR to producers. How a person thinks or what they believe doesn’t matter.

The Copiosis Algorithm establishes a specific set of instructions using specific data sets. It can’t mandate anything. It only rewards net beneficial results.

Fear, insecurity and worry cause distortion

We’ve also said from the very beginning that no one need “comply with the algorithm”. Not complying with the algorithm only means you’ll get NBR you don’t want. You still get necessities, presuming people will give them to you. When they do give you necessities, they get rewarded NBR. Some might still not give their goods to you. That’s their choice. But again, will ALL producers of a given necessity refuse you? Not likely.

Finally, there’s no way anyone can change the algorithm in a way that “requires” anything. Trying to insert a mandate into the algorithm, that everyone take a vaccine, for example, makes no sense. That would destroy the entire Copiosis economic system. That’s why we make doing that impossible. How? By making the way it works as designed so beneficial no one wants to mess with it.

I thought the person I interacted with knew all this. Perhaps they didn’t after all. Maybe they didn’t understand how the algorithm works sufficiently enough to realize what they wrote made no sense. But I spent a lot of time with this person, talking with them about nearly every part of Copiosis. Including reputation accounts.

Based on comments they made, it appears the future as it relates to things like vaccines, the media, “certain groups” and the “correct way to think” concerns them. I know most people worried about such things are fearful and insecure. They worry. And in their worry, they don’t see straight.

Some producers might not give their goods to you, such as these beets which would be necessities in Copiosis. Who they give necessities to is their choice. But again, will ALL beet producers refuse you? Not likely.

The happy ending that’s Copiosis

The problem this person expresses is not political. It’s not even ideological. The problem runs deeper than that. The good news: it’s not fatal.

Even though such people may call me “god like” or claim Copiosis is a cult, I know we’ve got something special with what we’re doing. Does it challenge people? Yes. But that just shows how special it is.

If humanity is to move into a future supported by a better, more egalitarian, more moral economic framework, people must release many beliefs that create fear in them. Fear, insecurity and the future we’re creating don’t mix.

The good news is our success will, by default, alleviate most fears and insecurities people experience. Through Copiosis, I think people will give up such emotions in favor of optimism, happiness and freedom borne of the life adventure Copiosis creates.

Sounds like utopia, I know. Maybe it is.

2 thoughts on “The Best Future Results From No Fear

  1. I regularly seek – and find – tiny (but growing) indications of Copiosis emerging and humanity “getting ready to be ready”.

    But we won’t find that evidence in the halls of government and “officialdom”, at least not right away (though I haven’t a doubt that today’s “oligarchs” will embrace Copiosis wholeheartedly when they come to understand how it benefits them personally). By the time government signs on to Copiosis and makes it “official,” they won’t have a choice – and will probably take credit for the innovation

    1. Yes. We’re going to find that billionaires will love and support Copiosis once they understand what it offers. Not all billionaires will love and support it, but the ones who do will be enough. Then we’ll really see the amplification of what Copiosis offers showing up in the world.

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