A hero passes: Long live Jacque Fresco!

Jacque_Fresco_and_lemon_tree_(cropped)Jacque lives on in the rest of us. So do his ideas. And while you think he is gone as a living being, I have a different perspective.

But that’s another story, too deep to explore here.

What I do want to explore is “time” as it relates to fundamental change. Many, many personalities have called for such change throughout the centuries. As with Jacque, many of those people have left the illusion of time and space having not accomplished the change they wanted to see.

A friend in Greece and I talked about this recently. The heroic, those wanting fundamental change and working to make it happen, sometimes must accept said change may not come at all, or may come long after the hero casts off the mortal coil.

For example, long after Martin Luther King, Jr. passed, we still see, all over the world, discrimination practiced towards numerous minorities. King knew he wasn’t going to see the change he wanted. Thus his statement “I may not get there with you…”

There are many, lesser known others who find themselves in the same situation. I may be one of them. You may be too. How many are there? Billions probably.

And that’s what it means to live a leading-edge, hero’s life: facing the possibility of not reaching the goal before your time in time and space is over. Leaving behind no legacy. Passing in obscurity. They call us crazy. Delusional. We see grand possibilities. Some of us realize them. Others take those possibilities to the crypt.

What makes the difference between those who realize their dreams and those who don’t? I have some ideas. As I focus more on even more fundamental change (I talk about this new focus on my video blog) I become more fascinated with how to increase the chances of actually accomplishing the change I want to see.

I’m increasingly dedicating my life to that pursuit. For there must be more to life than what our senses see, if someone as remarkable as Fresco can come and go with his mission largely unaccomplished.

I think the answer to all this lies in realms beyond rational, common conclusions. This is the real frontier. Where rational people fear to tread for fear of what others might think of them. I have no such fears. So I’m pushing myself even more out there in the frontier,  where seemingly preposterous suppositions await discovery. One such supposition being: that Jacque hasn’t gone anywhere.

But that again is another story.

Long live Jacque Fresco.

And the rest of us.

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