Global Citizens: Time To Do Better -Time For Copiosis

Photo by Jack Stapleton on Unsplash

This post ran on the Copiosis blog originally on November 7, 2017.

Couple weeks back I wrote about research from the Global Challenges Foundation which indicates the majority of human beings are ready for massive global change, including the creation of a new supranational organization organized to tackle our most pressing challenges.

Should the UN be reformed? Copiosis redefines global citizen

That same research revealed that while a majority of people believe in the United Nations’ ability to respond to the top three global challenges we face, a far larger number believe the UN must be reformed to address those same challenges.

Two-thirds of those surveyed believed the international agency can effectively respond to identified global challenges, but 85% of the same respondents thought the UN needed to be significantly reformed to do so. This belief is stronger among men (87%) versus women (84%) but as you can see, the difference is only slight. The belief is highest among people with high education levels and those who identify themselves as “global citizens”.

Rise of the “Global Citizen”

global citizen snapshot. Copiosis redefines global citizen
Who identifies most as a “global citizen”?

That “global citizen” moniker is interesting. People from “emerging countries” are more likely to consider themselves as “global citizens” than those from “developed countries”. Higher-educated people are more likely to describe themselves this way too. Age plays a factor too: the older a person is, the less likely that person will describe themselves as a “global citizen”.

What people fear globally

global challenges. Copiosis redefines global citizen and solves these risks
Global challenges identified across all countries surveyed

“Global challenges” identified differ both in description and ranking. However, the top three across all the countries surveyed are (in importance order) weapons of mass destruction (WMD), politically motivated violence escalating to war, and climate change. In China, for example of a difference in description and ranking, the top three are “Large-scale environmental damage”, “Climate change” and WMDs.

It’s not surprising to me that so many people are thinking about these issues. It is encouraging to see that many people, in different countries, realize something fundamental must happen. These are truly global challenges galvanizing global attention.

While I don’t agree with the urgency, it’s comforting to know the world is catching up with our conclusion that we can do better. That we must do better. As a result of that, I think we will do better as a species.

Copiosis is better

I know “better” looks like Copiosis. Hard to argue against that once you understand how it works. The more we refine our innovation and transition strategy, the more I realize what we’re doing is extraordinary.

I’m no longer alone in that opinion. Many more are beginning to share it too. Like these guys:

This is why I’ve known all along that Copiosis is the world’s future. I love what we’re doing. As global citizens, we’re going to do better than the United Nations. And “better” will look like Copiosis.

Download the report here.

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