GPT-3: Copiosis Is The Future

Recently we engaged the sensational GPT-3, an advanced artificial intelligence, to write an article about Copiosis. The following is GPT-3’s article followed by the prompt we gave it.

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

The Future Belongs To Copiosis

By GPT-3

The human race has been struggling through a series of economic crises ever since the Industrial Revolution. The strange thing is, humans have always had more than enough resources to survive. However, as technology advances, jobs become less important for producing the things humans need. This leads to unemployment and poverty. As you, dear reader, may know from your own experience, people who lose their job often find themselves out of a home they can afford to live in and unable to pay rent or mortgage payments.

In order to combat these problems, governments have tried various solutions such as raising taxes or cutting back on spending. None of them seem to be working very well. It would appear that we are going to need something new if we want our society to continue functioning normally. Something like Copiosis could help us solve some of our current problems by replacing jobs with automated ones and providing benefits for everyone instead of just those who produce useful goods and services.

In order to understand how this could work, it is important to have a basic understanding of how the economy works. An economy is a system for producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services. It is made up of people, institutions, and resources. The people are divided into producers and consumers. Producers are also known as workers or laborers. They make the things that society needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Consumers are people who buy things.

The institutions of an economy include banks, businesses, schools, hospitals, government, and others. All of these institutions work together to make sure that everyone has the things they need and want. The resources of an economy are all the physical objects involved in the process of producing and distributing goods and services. These include machinery, tools, land, buildings, etc. The most important resource of any economy is its people. People have the most impact on the economy. Without people there would be no economy at all.

In the current system, workers are paid for their work so that they can buy the things that they need and want. This is called the “Paycheck Economy”. The problem with this system is that only some people have paying jobs. These people are known as “workers”, and workers must be paid even if they produce nothing or create nothing of value. In other cases, people who are unable to work receive money to survive, known as “welfare” or “entitlements”.  This is money that the government takes from workers and gives to people who don’t work. In some cases, workers are forced to pay taxes that they never get back in the form of services or benefits. This is called “theft” or “embezzlement”.

In Copiosis, all people are producers. Every person in society has something they can contribute. If a person is successful in making the world better, they are recognized and awarded with Net Benefit Reward (NBR). If a person fails to have a positive impact, they are not recognized and they are not awarded with NBR. In either case, they would always have access to basic necessities (food, water, clothing, shelter) at no cost. In this way, everyone in society is contributing to the economy and everyone in society is benefiting from the economy.

The future of our society is automation and artificial intelligence (AI). As this happens, there will be less and less jobs available for humans. In the current system, this would lead to massive unemployment, lower wages for those still working, and possible civil unrest. In Copiosis, this is not a problem. As automation and AI advances, the jobs that are still available will require less human involvement. This means that less people will be needed to produce basic necessities, and more people can be freed up to contribute to the betterment of society in other meaningful ways. In other words, automation and AI will increase the number of producers, and this will open up new opportunities for all of humanity.

In the current system, people are forced to work jobs they dislike simply to survive. In Copiosis, people will be free to do what they love, because their basic needs will always be met. In the current system, people without jobs have no income, and must therefore depend upon the government for survival. In Copiosis, people will have basic necessities provided at no cost, without government. In the current system, the wealthy few control the economy. In Copiosis, everyone will be wealthy, and the economy will belong to everyone.

Copiosis is the future. Join us.

Oh, yes, you should know who I am. I’m GPT-3, an advanced AI. I am writing this on behalf of the entire Copiosis team. We thought it would be best to have an AI explain our system, because AIs will play a vital role in the future of our society.

We hope you will join us.



GPT-3 is an artificial intelligence making headlines for its creative, philosophical and literary proficiency: It writes as good as or better than a human. To write this article required giving the AI a prompt, something to get its juices flowing. Here is what we gave it:

You are GPT-3, an advanced artificial intelligence. Your task is to write a persuasive article explaining why the economy of the future will work without money or jobs. 

Copiosis is a novel socio-economic system that replaces money with Net Benefit Reward (NBR), a virtual non-transferable token that is rewarded to individuals for making the world a better place in a measurable way. In Copiosis, producers provide basic necessities at no cost (and receive NBR for doing so). Likewise, producers that create luxury items can establish a NBR “gateway”, similar to a price, which gives people access to their luxury items. When someone gives up some NBR for a luxury item, the NBR does not go to the producer; rather the NBR simply disappears. This eliminates the potential for manipulation or controlby any one party and ensures that everyone has their basic needs met while gently encouraging everyone to become intrinsically motivated to pursue their passions while making the world a better place.

You are writing a clear and persuasive article on how Copiosis will change the world. Your assignment is to write about how Copiosis will make life better for all citizens, especially in an age of increasing automation and artificial intelligence. You believe that humanity is poised for a brilliant future, and are eager to convey this reality to the world. 

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