How Artists Live In Luxury

Maximilien LuceMorning, Interior, 1890, using pointillist technique.

Someone recently asked how Copiosis would work for artists.

It was a good question because there are all kinds of artists. Depending on what medium an artist works in, the size of their work and other factors, a single artistic work can take anywhere from minutes to months to years to complete.

Pointillists, for example, invest months into a single 18 inch by 24 inch work. That’s an extreme case. Other painters take between 30 minutes to several hours or even a few dozen hours finishing single works. So the amount of time invested per artist varies dramatically. Same with musicians, film makers, sculptors.

Thankfully, how much time one invests in something matters little. Copiosis’ computational model measures results, not time. Bigger results merit bigger rewards. Copiosis also rewards most ordinary activities because such activities create Net Benefit Value for people and the planet.

Georges Seurat, 1884–1886, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

Pointillism is cool. Often while visiting museums I wondered how much time it took Georges Seurat and Paul Signac to create such work. Results proficient painters produce move hundreds, maybe thousands of people.

When a person lives in a system such as today, how much time passes matters because in time passing, an artist must eat, live somewhere and take care of their health. So I get how today, an artist would starve if they didn’t work as servers, taxi drivers or some other menial job while creating art until they’re famous one day if at all.

Another thing about living in today’s world is, because of what I wrote above, it’s easy to compare what one artists does with what another does, then have one feel somehow less advantaged if, for example, the first artist’s creations take months and others take minutes. Especially if the second artist, whose works takes minutes, becomes an overnight sensation.

Comparing always leads to trouble.

The Copiosis philosophy says: do what you love. Don’t worry about time. When a person does what they love, they are in love. They aren’t concerned about passing time. Copiosis helps facilitate such focus through people providing all the food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare others need. So, in an artist’s case, all these things are provided to that person. He’s not entitled to others’ work. So he doesn’t get his needs met for free. Providers offer their service because giving is an expression of their art, and in the giving they are rewarded.

In Copiosis, artists are artists who live well, just like everyone else. They’re not on food stamps or living in shacks without healthcare. If it offered that, people wouldn’t be as excited as they are today.

Artists live quite luxuriously in a Copiosis society just living on necessities. People providing necessity items are rewarded for Net Benefit Value their necessities create when consumed by consumers. The higher the Net Benefit Value, the more NBR they get. Think about that. Doesn’t that mean that necessity goods and services will be pretty darn good?

Artists don’t starve in Copiosis. They live in luxury, like everyone else.

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