How do you get from Here to There?

Nearly everyone, including those who passionately believe Copiosis holds promise, struggle to understand how we’re going to make it happen.

It’s a fair concern.

Anything as ambitious as Copiosis is hard to conceive by itself, let alone making it happen.

Rest assured however, that that we here at Copiosis are working on a sound transition plan that results in the vision Copiosis promises.

Nothing included in our transition plan is new. Everything in it has been used by other organizations.

Our plan doesn’t include some miracle. It doesn’t require societal collapse. It doesn’t depend on peak oil. All it depends on is a process of small steps, taken over time and a team that knows what it’s doing.

This transition plan is detailed in our second forthcoming book unimaginatively titled Copiosis: The Transition. While that book continues developing, here’s some detail on how we’re making it happen.

What’s important to understand about our transition plan is it’s underway. This website, the communications we make on social media, face-to-face introduction meetings we’ve hosted locally and more all fit into our transition strategy.

So the transition isn’t a cold turkey “today capitalism. Tomorrow COPIOSIS!” process.

Instead it is a progressive series of thoughtful steps combined with serendipity eventually leading to a kind of key-turn event, where the day before, we’re still capitalist, the next day, capitalism is still here and Copiosis begins to emerge. Then, one day, capitalism is gone and Copiosis has taken its place.

Too-rigid plans make for poorly executed enterprises. We’re taking that to heart as well and allowing a certain amount of serendipity to drive some outcomes.

The transition itself happens over phases. Generally they are:

  • Early phase (we’re in this stage now): Awareness generation, education, and recruitment. I also call this the marketing stage
  • Entertainment and education phase: This stage begins after 1-5 high net worth individuals come forth willing to finance progress and includes using the media and infotainment to further educate and inspire
  • Political phase: in which we work with political bodies, initially at the municipality level, to generate more detailed awareness among political leaders. We also cultivate our own political representatives (friendlies) and action committees/lobbies to do our political work although no laws or legislation is needed prior to just before the Transition Phase outlined below.
  • Pre-transition phase: In this phase we convene teams of experts to begin fleshing out the technologies and systems needed to make Copiosis Economies work. Much of this technology exists already and just needs to be repurposed to serve the innovation (that sounds scary, but it actually is not a threatening process at all). Other teams begin working on the process of compensating people with investments in market assets and securities for the net present value of their investments, compensating banks and others for their interest in debts thereby eliminating debt once and for all, and working with other nations to smooth the transition for them (assuming they aren’t transitioning themselves). We also begin recruitment for the Copiosis Organization and begin training them as well. The Pre-transition phase ends with the passage of the Copiosis legislation, which we have drafted already. It’s a simple document comprised of 10 points.
  • Transition Phase: In this phase, the entire nation (or nations) begin to deploy Payers, distribute software to transform existing mobile devices so they can interact with the Copiosis system (mainframe and other elements such as accepting and recording transactions and declarations) and continue other work that got underway in the previous phases.
  • Post Transition Phase: Mop up activities take place here. There will be glitches and those need addressing. There will be uncertainty, which we hope to address in the Pre-T phase. There will be conflicts. In this phase we follow-up on the transition, monitor progress and fix what isn’t working. We suspect this will mostly be adaptation issues of individual human beings and groups of human beings.
    There are other phases beyond this, but they are not worth talking about at this time.

We mentioned earlier the word “serendipity”. This is an important part of our plans that already is working for us. Recent example: a wickedly challenging problem that must be solved prior to Copiosis becoming a reality is figuring out the algorithm driving Net-Benefit Calculations. Until recently, we had not the resources needed to solve that problem.

In the last week, a new member of the team has joined us who is leading that process. Already we have made significant and meaningful progress on that algorithm. We expect to share it with the open source community for refinement. That’s because we realize we don’t have all the answers. We need assistance from people from around the world.

This and other significant events convince us that our transition strategy is viable and working every week. This includes money coming in from all over the world to help make Copiosis a reality.

So when we use the word “serendipity” we’re not talking about hocus-pocus magical results. To us, that word signifies our awareness that our path is being laid out for us. What is doing that is not important at this moment. What is important is that we know this is happening. And that it is happening in our favor.

Make no mistake. The Transition from capitalism onto a new and better economic system is already underway. The process is quite detailed. We have seen short-term success. Future steps will require fleshing out as we address unknown knowns and unknown unknowns. There is an element of “serendipity” involved because no plan survives the first engagement. This should give you a general idea of how we envision making what seems impossible possible.

2 thoughts on “How do you get from Here to There?

    1. Sharing circles are awesome. My business partner and I were considering organizing a sharing circle to help people fund their tiny house dreams. It’s a powerful process if people stick with it! Do you know of any underway? It’s interesting to see the projects operate because they are all different. There is one starting up in the US (I’m not going to share the name for reasons that may soon become obvious) that will be based on Ayn Rand’s philosophy (!). Cool, right? The more diverse the projects are, the stronger our collective “evidence” that Copiosis will work will be. So cool.

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