Our effort to make the world a better place is getting attention from around the world. Check out our site stats for today.
Now, I’m pretty sober about these numbers. And the representation. It’s exciting, but it is only a start. Millions more people will need to know about Copiosis before we can say we’re on the way. But it’s good to see momentum growing at this early stage.
So, these numbers are from today. Yesterday and the day before were equally impressive. The results we’re seeing are coming from my communication responses to Russell Brand’s interview, which I blogged about before. It’s chiefly because of this social media tactic that people in so many countries are tuning in to find out about Copiosis.
I believe our messages are inspiring because we are beyond complaining about the problems. Instead, we offer a viable solution that not only will transform America for the better, but the world too. We’re looking for people who agree that we have a problem. And want to do something serious about it.
Here is the total list for the week ending 10/27: