An Original post ran on the Copiosis blog November 21, 2017.
The culture being designed here is remarkable. Few on the planet operate while knowledgeable of their power. But we do. And that’s what sets us apart. It is a key component of why our work is unstoppable.
A lot of people consider what we’re doing impossible. Those armed with knowledge allowing them to see evidence of it being possible are few. It’s not easy seeing the evidence. That’s why so many believe things like Copiosis are impossible.
But they are possible.
Everything is possible
Until you know that, the best that is possible is impossible. Knowing that requires being able to see the clues, the evidence showing you everything is possible.
Seeing evidence that proves this true is easy. Once you start seeing evidence, you realize evidence is all around you. That’s why people implementing Copiosis’ transition plan are excited. They see evidence proving Copiosis not only is possible, it’s happening.
Once you see evidence, it’s easier talking with people who think Copiosis is a scam, is something that it’s not, or think it is impossible. Seeing evidence emboldens. Evidence seers stand convincingly in the evidence. That’s why they aren’t swayed. Even when people call them idiots.
We have a saying in Copiosis: “You can lead a sheep to wisdom, but you can’t make it think.” We love that saying because it’s accurate. We can talk until the cows (mixing metaphors, we know) come home. But until a person sees the evidence, it’s super-hard overcoming indoctrination keeping evidence invisible.
That’s why the saying above holds true. It is exceedingly difficult seeing evidence when your beliefs, your indoctrination, keeps it invisible. We hide our secrets in the open because most people can’t see them. They’re in the open, but people’s beliefs make them as though they’re hidden.
That’s ok. Copiosis’ success doesn’t depend on the sheep thinking.