I love BitCoin because it has people thinking there just might be a better way to run civilization. With its initial limelight somewhat behind us, it’s interesting to look at aspects of BitCoin which make is way too similar to currencies of the day and why I think that is a problem. I love the idea … Continue reading BitCoin is just another currency
Tag: alternate currencies
In an impressively long article UK Guardian reporter Evgeny Morozov argues that a new form of technology "algorithmic regulation" would destroy the welfare state and end any possibility of the progressive ideal. Algorithmic regulation, a term being tossed about by luminaries such as "visionary" Tim O'Reilly, means a method of using sets of instructions (algorithms) to run … Continue reading Will technology make things worse?
If you're encouraged about where the world is heading, you're in good company. We're not the only ones creating a world we all know is possible. There are literally millions of people doing the same thing. Tiny acts from people that go unnoticed, large ones offering great promise, it's all blending perfectly in a tapestry … Continue reading The world is getting better
We are a fountain of new ideas and amazing inventions making people better off and the planet a better place to live. What could be possible if everyone, not just people like Ryan Grepper, had the freedom to pursue their ideas, ideas that could make human life and life on the planet even more amazing than it … Continue reading Humanity: making life better is our nature