Mirrors are amazing things. We take their symbolic awesomeness for granted. Every day, we stand before our mirrors and miss the greatness they’re showing us. In some cultures, mirrors are spiritual icons. They feature prominently in legends of all kinds. In Japan, for example, the mirror holds a prominent place in many household shrines. A … Continue reading Is it the end of the charismatic era?
Tag: Benefits of Government
Ah, eliminating government by creating something better. This is the final post in the seven part series. In my previous post, I asked how we could capitalize on a dynamic in which people who do bad things provoke positive actions we want to see. I used the domestic abuse dynamic as an example. You've probably … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 7
I'm making a case for eliminating government, allowing its natural demise a la innovation naturally destroying the status quo by replacing it with something better. We're now deep in the optimistic aspect of my argument. We don't have to fight against government to achieve the justice and freedom we seek. All we have to do is … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 6
This is not the final post on building the case for eliminating government, but we're getting close. I've made the following arguments: Government authority exists in its ability to exert lethal force. That authority is maintained by paying people to do the "wet work" (the actual killing, jailing, etc.). This usually is the police … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 5