I'm making the case for doing away with government and replacing it with something better. For now we're focusing on the case for doing away with it. The something better part will come later. So far, we've established the following regarding government: Its authority exists in its ability to exert lethal force though weaker force will do too. … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 4
Tag: Benefits of Government
Ah, the elimination of government. I'm making the case. This is post three. We previously defined government in its simplest form and identified the basis of government authority, the control of physical force being the most potent. In its most basic form, the government can hurt you in many ways. It can even kill you. … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 3
I believe in personal freedom. I also believe in personal responsibility. So when it comes to your freedom to choose what you should and shouldn't be able to do, I say go for it. Why not let people ride without helmets, drive without seat belts, smoke, use fluoride-free dental care, and allow their children to run around without vaccinations? … Continue reading The Lung Test Dummy
In this seven-part series, I'm building a case for eliminating government. This is part two. Nations and government have been hand-in-hand in recent history. Ancient history is replete with civilizations operating with no government. Let's define "government". The most appropriate dictionary definition: 5 a: the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises authority … Continue reading The case for eliminating government – 2