The end of Jobs

Creatives are finding it increasingly difficult to earn money doing what they love. A recent United Kingdom Independent Article chronicled the struggle of writers who increasingly are asked to contribute their work free. A recent New York Times featured another writer also expressing dismay that people expect him to offer his craft - and his valuable expertise - … Continue reading The end of Jobs

What comes next?

Ask around and I bet you'll find someone among your friends' network who believes one of two things: 1. The United States is already in decline and will soon face an economic and social collapse of some magnitude. 2. The global economic system is stressed to the maximum by wealth disparity. Soon (though no one … Continue reading What comes next?

Story of Solutions points to Copiosis

In December 2007, Annie Leonard started a movement. Today, she continues the wildly successful "The Story of Stuff" with a new video "The Story of Solutions." That video takes viewers on a ride...directly toward Copiosis. Yes, I know. She didn't really mean to highlight traits of a system that can shift the world from a consumerist to … Continue reading Story of Solutions points to Copiosis