It's not necessarily the case that corporate profits go to "greedy" profiteers who screw workers. A large amount of profits - from both private and public corporations - enable your parents to put food on the table in their retirement years.
Tag: corporations
Editor's Note: Another question from an interested person prompted this posting What takes the place of a corporation? A corporation is in its most basic form a group of people who come together to achieve a common goal. The problem with current corporations is the lack of accountability for externalities and their profit profile (how … Continue reading What happens to Corporations after The Transition
Editors note: This post is in response to a question we received via Twitter How do you keep sociopaths from gaming [Copiosis]? In every society there are people who act in ways that are sociopathic. Some actually are sociopaths. Who knows why they are the way they are? In status-quo economies, we have to … Continue reading What about sociopaths?
Making business green is easy in a Copiosis Economy. That's because it doesn't cost business one penny to be a green business. So every business is green. Green businesses are another benefit Copiosis Economies make possible. Copiosis. The American Way. Way better