As with seemingly everything, Earth’s carrying capacity depends on a huge number of factors, which is another way of saying it depends on perspective.
Tag: space colonization
Can we afford to shift global energy consumption from fossil fuels to renewables?
Some people who believe the world needs changing point to endless growth as humanity’s choke point. They believe the Earth’s carrying capacity cannot sustain the consumerism inspired by capitalism. If that consumerism were to spread to other countries, which seems to be happening, we’d be in deep doo-doo, they say. Others say we are already in the doo-doo. I … Continue reading Endless growth is not humanity’s problem
Some resourced-based economy proponents say endless growth is bad. If an economic system promotes consumerism, innovation, and increasingly attractive goods and services; if it motivates people to do good by offering them freaking fantastic products and services people love, humanity will continue destructive consumption patterns, patterns which are wrecking the planet. Endless growth is not our problem, unless … Continue reading Why endless growth is NOT our problem