You've heard the term "Velvet Handcuffs." It describes a job with benefits so compelling, leaving is a non-choice. Even if you hate the work. Gotta feed the kids, pay that mortgage. Velvet Oppression is similar. It is oppression, but oppression so good-feeling alternatives pale in comparison. You hear it all the time: "I hate this … Continue reading Why earning a living is “velvet oppression”
Tag: wealth
Society benefits economically when people are free to choose. That doesn't happen today. But it can. Here's how.
Editor's note: We had a visitor ask a question and thought others might have the same or similar questions. How does Copiosis addresses [wealth] inequality is unclear since property can be transferred and currently less than 10% of the people own more than 80% of the resources. How do you get the 10% to distribute the … Continue reading How to make wealth inequality a good thing
You are a billionaire: You wouldn't think of flying first class, nothing so rushed and inconvenient as that. You don't stay in fancy hotels when you travel. You take your private jet when you want to visit grandma for Christmas, you have your yacht if the destination is on the coast, and you have homes in … Continue reading Struggles of the rich and famous