What happens when a dream is lost?




In The Matrix Trilogy, Morpheus, facilitator of Neo’s rise, experiences a vision-shattering moment when his ship the Nebuchadnezzar is destroyed.

Right before his eyes, the symbol of his knowing evaporates in a plume of smoke and flame. As he witnesses the disaster, he paraphrases from The Bible (Daniel 2:3):

“I dreamed a dream….but now that dream is gone from me.”

It’s a major turning point for the film as it seems all is lost. Indeed, the Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction is the precursor to a massive invasion of Zion and the defeat the human’s underground defenses.

But as you know, that is not the end of the story.

Today, at 0829 this morning the Global Challenges Foundation’s New Shape Prize organization notified me that we were no longer in the running for their $15 million prize.

Am I disappointed?

Not really. Certainly, “a dream is gone from me.” But the dream that is gone is not the dream of seeing Copiosis become a reality. It is the dream of receiving the $5 million.

The dream of seeing Copiosis become a reality still burns brightly. And though another pot of money has eluded us, there is still a ton of money in the world, money owned by people who are looking for an answer to our world’s problems.

So what happens when a dream is lost?

What happens is, you get over it, and find another way. You say “next!” and keep moving. That’s the winner’s mindset. That’s the Copiosis mindset.

We are surrounded in physical reality by clues indicating the winner’s mindset. Movies, real-life examples, wisdom from the ages, all point to how holding true to a vision is how winners win.

Another aphorism: “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

While I had banked on that money coming our way, I have multiple funding ideas in the works. Some I have far more control over than simply betting on a prize.

John Milton, famous poet of Paradise Lost, is often quoted by people like me, people who have faced a temporary loss, but who remain true to their cause. I will leave you with his words, as they better state my position than my own:

“All is not lost”

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