What’s possible when money is not involved

Manoj MuskA main premise for building Copiosis:  Eliminate money as a constraining resource, and humanity will make things happen more rapidly, more innovatively.  Those things humanity makes will benefit far more people than goods money pays for today, thereby making humanity far more prosperous than it is today.

For those who think this is idiocy, I offer two potent examples: Elon Musk and Manoj Bhargava.

That first guy you probably already know.  As the former PayPal investor, founder of Space X, Tesla, Solar City, and the Powerwall home energy system, Elon Musk’s net worth is estimated to be over $10 billion.

Bhargava created 5-Hour Energy.  His net worth is around four billion dollars on what has become one of the most successful consumer products.  Both these men have no worries about money.  They are among the one percent.

“Wait a second,” you may be thinking.  “I thought you were going to give examples of people working without money.  Why are you instead glorifying the one percent?”

I’m talking about these two guys because by virtue of their innovations and investments, each has created for themselves a reality wherein money no longer prevents getting things done. Consider your own life.  I’m sure there are things you would love to do, but you can’t.  Often you can’t because you don’t have money to afford to to those things.  For Musk and Bhargava money doesn’t matter.  They aren’t restricted from doing something because it costs too much.  They aren’t constrained because they can’t afford to do something.  If they want to do something, they just do it.

In essence, Musk and Bhargava are operating in Copiosis realities.  The amount of money they both have is so large, they don’t worry about how much something costs when it comes to getting something done.  This creates the effect of all their resources essentially available to them at will.  All their necessities too are in effect available to them at no cost.  Indeed, just the interest earnings on their wealth is probably more than most people make in a lifetime.  Affording food, housing, healthcare, clothing, and education is more than easy for these guys.  Add to their interest earnings profit from from their companies and, for all intents and purposes, the amount of money these guys have will likely grow right up until they die.

That means money is no longer real for them as an impediment or restriction to making something happen.

What are Musk and Bhargava doing now that they don’t have to worry about their necessities or affording resources they need to pursue their dreams?  Are they sitting around all day watching video games?  Are they idly surfing the internet or golfing or playing tennis?  No.  They are pursuing things that light their fires.  They are following their passions, which have very large effects on human society.

Musk already has revolutionized the way people pay for things. He is well on the way to revolutionizing the automobile industry, the space industry and the energy industry.  Bhargava is creating innovations for the poor that may revolutionize the way poor people might live and save California at the same time.  His team’s innovations may revolutionize how humanity gets its water and make obsolete fossil fuel dependency.

Now, imagine if everyone were as wealthy as Musk and Bhargava.  I don’t mean imagine if everyone had billions of dollars.  I mean, imagine if money were no longer in the way of getting things done including obtaining what you need to thrive.  What if everything could be done without regard for how much it costs or how much you would need to pay someone.  How would the world look if everyone had the chance to contribute to the world the way Musk and Bhargava are, not by doing what these guys are doing, but by pursuing their own individual passions?

This is the promise Copiosis offers.  What would you do if you had all the resources you need?  In a world where everything was possible, how would you shape your reality?

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