Why praise to the pioneers is due

pioneersEditor’s Note: Copiosis founder Perry Gruber will be speaking as part of The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM) Global Celebration Day March 15 at The Innovation Center in St. Helens, Oregon. The all-day event is free and open to the public. Perry will be presenting his presentation – Copiosis – an Overview and will be taking questions afterwards. Find out more here

The Zeitgeist Movement has been around a while. Like American settlers of old the movement pioneered what’s possible for the world. Resource Based Economic systems has it critics. And perhaps their transition plan is unsound. But there’s no doubt: TZM’s vision captured imaginations so well, chapter organizations exist all over the place.

Civilizations run on the basis of abundance, with no government, but packed with advanced technologies; this is the world TZM members believe is possible. No taxes, little crime, humanity on full self expression.

Humanity blames psychopaths for the world as it is. Perhaps the world, i.e. human civilization as it is gives rise to psychopathy. Perhaps people who exhibit such traits merely find ways to fit in an ill-fitting container. We believe a world where people thrive on full self expression is created, there will be no psychopaths. Not because they won’t exist, but because they will be the best among us. TZM opened the door for all of us to walk through to a better world.

And so, as we look forward to participation in Z Day this year, we honor the path TZM has blazed. There is a better world, a better tomorrow coming. When it does, we all will rest and admire what we’ve created and marvel that a civilization as anti-human as what we have today could be come something so wonderful.

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